Summer perfection – when the chaos of the day dims in the flash of a firefly.

Ghost Encounter

Checking out a vacant property recently, the resident ghost checked in. Not a big deal – just alerting me to his presence. After we left the house, the passenger side car window got stuck. Fascinating coincidence. The identical window anomaly also happened after visiting Estes Park and experiencing ghost interaction at The Stanley Hotel. What an interesting validation. The window issue was resolved after we left the property and restarted the vehicle.


  • Animal Intelligence. “When an injured animal sought out something specific from the forest to eat, the researchers collected samples of that plant and had it analyzed. Most of the plants tested turned out to have antibacterial properties.” Source.

  • Supernatural head scratcher. February 26, 1958. “The “Popper” case remains unique in the annals of the supernatural for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that this became the first haunting that was actually shown on television. Popper even got the attention of researchers from J.B. Rhine’s famous parapsychology lab at Duke University, but they came no closer to solving the mystery than anyone else.” Link.

  • Podcast recommendation: “REALLY?!. with Tom & Dave”! Join hosts Tom Wheeler and Dave Foley as they welcome back Matt Ford, host of “The Good Trouble Show,” for his second appearance on the podcast and IN PERSON. “Welcome to our 50th episode of Really with Tom and Dave. Matt talks about his experience attending the “Contact in the Desert” event, sharing his first impressions and the impactful stories he heard from other attendees.” Link.

  • Meditation ambiance. “Capture the inspiring feeling of summer’s essence as you are surrounded by growth and light; awed by nature’s bounty. Monroe Sound Science™ neural entrainment in this exercise, enhances the blissful feelings of delight from the experience of this most delicious season. 🎧 Gateway To Golden Summer by Howard Patterson.” YouTube.

  • Awesome Orb Photos shared by Scenic Sasquatch. Link. Comment from SunBôw: “These etherical plasma bodies are the simplest form with which interdimensional beings can manifest and interact with the physical plane, whether they are ancient spirits, Elementals or Star Beings, from what Sasquatch taught us.”Amazon Affiliate link.

  • SunBôw’s Book announcement. “A first professional review of my last book: Contemporary Shamanic Journeys, Volume Three was just published. Positive and encouraging feedback is always appreciated…”

    Reviewed by Romuald Dezmo, June 24, 2024 – Excerpt: ”The author’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making it easy for readers to follow along as he shares his thoughts on spirituality, activism, and personal growth.”

    ”This balances personal narrative with historical context and cultural analysis. The author skillfully weaves his own experiences with those of Indigenous Elders and wisdom keepers, providing a unique perspective on the intersection of spirituality and social justice. His stories are often humorous, poignant, and thought-provoking, making this book an enjoyable and insightful read.”

  • Alternate reality trippy. Marge Simpson’s likeness found in ancient Egyptian coffin. “Although the discovery of the mummy’s coffin was announced nine months ago, the image went viral on social media as users pointed out the uncanny resemblance to the beloved matriarch from “The Simpsons.” Source.

  • Future and Cosmos Blog. A Professor’s Reality Filter – Student #1: Why did you give a C- grade to my original 50-page term paper, when my friend got an A+ grade on his 20-page rehash rush job paper?

    Professor Smith: You had too much “out of the box” and “fringe” stuff. It’s risky to “go contrarian.” Remember, always respect the views of your superiors. Link.

Remote Viewing

IRVA announcement: The Spring 2024 issue of Aperture, the Remote Viewing magazine is available to preview or purchase. Link. Past issues are also available at the site.

Who is IRVA?We are a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting the responsible use and development of RV. We are an independently formed, non-profit member organization of scientists, RV professionals, students, and other interested persons. We offer free information to inform and educate the public about the nature and uses of RV and additional benefits to our supporting membership. Website.

FYI Class announcement: Unleash Your Natural Intuitive Superpower: Discover the Power of Remote Viewing

The fee for this module is Free for IRVA members and $44.44 for nonmembers. This price covers the entire series. Multiple dates and times. Online, Zoom.

4 part series over the course of 4 days: July 12-19-25 and 30th.
8am to 9am PST
Course Description: Basic Level Controlled Remote Viewing.
Basic level course covers the first three phases of the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) protocol. More information: Link.

John Foster UFOs

I asked John if he could please highlight some of the most important experiences he shared in his collection of drawings. He told me narrowing the focus is difficult but he was up for the challenge. I’ll start with this one – representing the beings he witnessed.

Image credit: John Foster UFOs Website.

This is the time when we (my friend and I) were personally introduced to the ancient lizard-like beings“The Voice” spoke to both of us audibly, simultaneously, inside our heads. We talked about it at that time so we knew it was real.

Each of the beings then took each of us by an arm and escorted us around the windowed saucer, then back again. The voice explained things about the ancient beings, the creation of the United States, well known American founders and leadersAmerican Indians and other things as we walked.

After returning to our original starting location many sequential things began to occur, including short time-loss episodes that were embedded in this longer time-loss encounter… i.e. there were time losses within time losses throughout the entire encounter. Etc.

*Bethany Grade School Playground Encounter, Chapter 2, Eminent Discovery Volume 1. Amazon Affiliate link.

I’ve spoken several time with John and continue to correspond with him. He will be featured in a documentary, due out later this year. I’ll post when I have details. Here is one of our conversations.

Talking about the ETs, Aliens, NHI encounters.

John’s Website.

From Star Wars to Mars

“As individuals, we can make a conscious choice to embrace the new reality now. We don’t have to wait until the whole world adopts it. We may begin to develop a political and social context that we and others will be unable to ignore.”Brian O’Leary, Ph.D., Exploring Inner and Outer Space: A Scientist’s Perspective on Personal and Planetary Transformation.

Internet Archive Summary: “This book reveals fascinating information on our quest for reality, the new physics, other dimensions, the possibility of life on Mars, the paranormal, healing the planet, and what’s in store in the new millennium. He masterfully shows how and why inner space and the exploration of consciousness is equally important to outer space journeys.” – Amazon Affiliate link.

Revisit Classic Art Bell

If and when you have a spare moment, wander down the rabbit hole with Art Bell. This is a prime example. The conversation in the mid-nineties remains topical and far ahead of the curve in terms of the topics. UFO, Free Energy, PSI, Remote Viewing, Genetic Engineering.

“I know we are not alone.” Ingo Swann

Regarding UFO Disclosure and what may or may not be public regarding UFOs, note the date of this conversation and how s-l-o-w the progress has been in getting validation on the existence of UFOs and action regarding access to government data.

Audio from Dreamland with Art Bell, dated 12/10/1995. The show opens with Linda Howe & Ingo Swann. The highlight is a reveal from Ingo about remote viewing a UFO/USO beside a Soviet Submarine. The interview and open phone lines calls with Dr. Brian O’ Leary is outstanding. YouTube link. Initial distortion on the audio is present in several other YouTube links as well.

“We’re dealing with dimensions beyond time and space.” – Dr. Brian O’Leary

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