What did Bruce Lee say about water?

“You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”Source


I shared this content in a blog post (2007), insight from the guides who work with me. You’ll find it under the heading: Empowered Belief.

I’ve tweaked it with additional punctuation for clarity. The message remains intact. I needed to see this reminder today and decided to share it again. It is my hedge to balance chaos.

Free to Believe

There is no shame in being reluctant but hopeful to believe in a thing.

After it happens – you become less reluctant – more hopeful – and a touch optimistic.

It happens again and you shift to cautiously hopeful but not quite certain…

But the key – is that you are on the verge.

You are at the beginning of knowing.

With that, comes trust – then faith – then acceptance.

If you continue along that path, and you are are very persistent, you get to certainty and self-assurance.  

Once there, imagine the energy shift – if you could ignite belief with certainty and throw caution to the wind.

What happens next is the stuff dreams are made of.

From my garden. Iris 2023

Iris: Goddess of the Rainbow. Messenger of the Olympian gods.

Link. https://www.theoi.com/Pontios/Iris.html

Link. https://www.theoi.com/Pontios/Iris.html

Use of Iris Flowers in Medicine and Aromachology

Irises were valued by the early Indian and Egyptian people for their medicinal uses and for the manufacturing of perfumes.

Link. Iris Flower Meaning in the Language of Flowers – Petal Republic

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