“Your world must realize that revelation is continuous and progressive, fitting itself to the stage of understanding to the people to whom it comes.” – Silver Birch, The Teachings of Silver Birch, A.W. Austen, Amazon #Ad

Gleaned from this post on X: Source. Headline tease implies: “Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down.” Discovered in 2016, a parallel universe that goes backward in time. New Scientist. Not so fast.

CNET pulls the plug, says the details hidden behind the paywall on the New Scientist article don’t support the backward parallel universe – for now, it’s a great theory in need of great evidence…

Ingo Swann Documentary update

The short film, A Life Gone Wild, includes footage shot while Ingo was alive, from 2009-2011. Additional material after Ingo passed away was added between 2015-2017. The film won Best Bio Pic at the 2017 Philip K. Dick Film Festival in New York City. View film on YouTube.

Swann-Ryder Productions, LLC, has now reignited the project and is working toward pitching it to streaming services once the writer’s strike ends.” A Life Gone Wild Trailer. YouTube.

Consciousness explorer and Artist

“As I’ve grown older and become more reflective on life, I’ve often recovered many of the thoughts about existence I had as a child. A major one of these was the separation of consciousness from the body, which was very real when I was a child. You forget about these things as you grow up because they’re not part of our cultural impact that we’re supposed to think about. But this kind of thing happens in art all the time. The artist seeks to invoke in his paintings concepts which are not academic, but looking towards future images of man.

In the case of this one in back of me, I believe and always have believed — and I’ve returned to it many times in my life — that I am not this body, in terms of consciousness, and consciousness can go places where the body cannot. One of these, of course, is the far galaxies… and I tried in this particular painting to capture this kind of a fleeting fluctuation of consciousness. I think it’s very real, and many people do too.”Ingo Swann

Image of the painting he references in this comment.

Paranormal – Autumn crossovers

“The whole of your earthly life is one long challenge and test. You are the centre of a battlefield in which all the forces of your being wage constant war. You have within you all the elements of strength and weakness, the remnants of the animal ancestry which are part of your physical evolution, and the divine potentialities that are the concomitants of your birth as a spark of the Great Spirit.” – Silver Birch, Anne Dooley, The Guidance of Silver Birch: Teachings from Silver Birch

Andy’s father died September 20th. The funeral was Saturday – October 14th. Same date as the Ring-of-Fire-Solar Eclipse. Cloudy for us but the energy was buzzing. All of that buzzing can be tiring and energizing at the same time. Eclipse Astrology.

I’m still on break from my normal routine. Not since 2010 have I taken this much time away from podcasting. However, when I found myself dropping the ball on things I thought had been done – it was a clue to re-set.

As with the recent dentist encounter, the information I was given could be corroborated. Our deceased loved ones do try to connect when there is an open channel. What I found the most fascinating in this communication was a comment that some of the activities on the other side would not be conveyed to the living. Too much information.

I’ve read about that in some accounts – can’t remember a specific source off hand, but the message was very clear that certain information about the transition process could not be shared.

What could be shared related to the nature of relationships and how there were benefits for certain encounters (names were given) very early in life that shaped or influenced later behavior.

This is personal to my husband and his family so I am limiting the details. More than one family member came through. It was helpful for me to receive feedback on the declared names to corroborate the connection.

It was helpful to Andy to discover a few previously unknown ties that made a huge impact on his father and provided background and motive for his behavior.

We live and learn. The body checks out but the energy of the spirit continues to exist on another plane. And love lives on.

The recent deaths provided a pattern that underscored an uptick in paranormal activity along with my tendency to become distracted and unable to discern a cause until I stepped back, reduced my work load and quieted my mind.

Then I could focus on the ringing phone. A party line. Narrow the scope. Who’s on first? Autumn is a busy time – ramping up through to All Saints Day. Time and Date. Link. Wiki. Link

In a galaxy not so far away

The truth walks among us. Some UFO/Alien/ET experiencers have full memory of their encounters. Some have limited memory. While others who have also been present during an encounter/abduction event say they have zero memory.

Please refer to John Foster. I credit him as someone who acquired detailed memories at the expense of his health. The full realization of what he had experienced in clandestine encounters over the course of several decades was the shock of a lifetime. Link.

My waking encounters have been brief. Bedroom UFO sighting, sky sightings, and telepathic interaction. Other OBE/dream encounters have simply affirmed their presence.

Can psychic abilities be enhanced by UFO encounter? I heard Andrew being interviewed recently. His story is fascinating. Link. Psychic Medium Andrew Radziewicz is a Senior Accredited Mental Health Social Worker who is also a UFO contactee and has treated indigo/star children who have been on board UFOs and interacted with the occupants. His website: PsychicFirefighter.

BACK IN PRINT! URI :A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller by Andrija Puharich is a rollercoaster ride involving paranormal activity, extraterrestrials, the conflict between Israel and its neighbors, the nature of reality, and the future of our planet. Source: White Crow Books. Uri Geller website: Link.

Classic episode with Robert Stack – Unsolved Mysteries: Roswell, Alien abductions and Area 51

UFOs are real. So are the encounters.

Moon shine

September 29 was the last supermoon of 2023. Space: Link. Old Farmer’s Almanac: Link. [Page Heading Image Credit: Andy]

Full Moon Astrology. Yoga Journal. Link.

“Full Moons help us release, but they also help us embrace the vibrations we want to carry. They help us recognize our strengths, our power, and our light. As we work with the full Moon, we can step away from each sign’s lower frequencies and into the higher ones. We can see ourselves in full view.”Jill Wintersteen. Founder of Spirit Daughter. Website.

2 thoughts on “Other worlds beckon

  1. Wendy, hopefully you like the movie “The Last Mimzy” and another good movie is “The Never-ending Story” (first one) that fits with “Other worlds beckon”.

    Liked by 1 person

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