ETs, NHI, and Occupied Stars: Unsolved Mysteries

We are living in a science fiction world. – George Takei

Aliens among us

Film: Ans and the Universe. Documentary selected for the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) 2024.

(Dutch) English Translation: In 2022, Ans Hoornweg died at the age of 80. She was a woman with an extraordinary story – for others, for Ans it was the most normal thing in the world. She appeared on TV several times as a medium who could communicate with aliens.

In Ans and the universe she talks for the last time about her ‘out-of-body experiences’, her visits to other planets, but also about her media appearances and the way in which she was sometimes considered crazy. For Ans there is no doubt whatsoever: aliens are everywhere and we are slowly moving towards a new era in which current gender norms no longer apply.

Documentary makers Berkveldt (Noëlle Ingeveldt and Juriaan van Berkel) have made an honest testament of a woman with an extraordinary life story, recorded among the numerous dolls that Ans herself made of her alien friends. – Christiaan Boesenach. Festival Link. Subtitles: Trailer.

Website: Link.
Blog: Link. Visit her site to view her Mandalas and her beautiful Dolls.
YouTube: Link.

After I discovered this film on Linked In, I met and corresponded with some new friends. Here is an image of one of the dolls made by Ans. I have been asked to share. Enjoy!

It is healing when you look at this doll of Ans. Please share on other social networks. Thank you very much on behalf of Ans and the aliens, especially Lobob-Motroe (Ans' friend and contact from planet Laborax)!

This doll is Amie-All. Website Link.

Misc. AI – Dreams – Plants

  • AI predictions.

    Practical applications continue to evolve. Researchers trained their model on the life sequences of people in Denmark, aged 25 to 70 between the years of 2008 and 2016 and used it to make predictions about the next four years.

    When asked to guess the likelihood of someone dying in that period, it outperformed the current state-of-the-art by 11 percent. They also got the model to make predictions about how people scored on a personality test, and the results outperformed models specifically trained for that task. Source.
  • 2021 Lucid Dreaming study.

    “Since the ’80s, we’ve known that lucid dreamers can communicate out of dreams by using these signals.”

    – Karen Konkoly, a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University who is the first author on the study published in Current Biology.

    36 volunteers were trained to recognize when they were dreaming through cues – like lights or finger tapping – that they would present while the participants slept.

    Dreamers’ interpretations of the cues varied. According to Konkoly, one participant “heard the questions transposed over their dream as though it was God talking to them.” NPR.

    According to Benjamin Baird, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin who was not involved with the study, “it is proof of concept. And the fact that different labs used all these different ways to prove it is possible to have this kind of two-way communication […] makes it stronger.” Link.
  • How CIA Polygraph Machines Taught Us Plants Can Read Minds.

    “This outdated idea that links the brain with intelligence could be forcing us to overlook the inherent capabilities of the plant.”

    – Stefano Mancuso from the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology at the University of Florence. Source.

    “If the representational theory of the mind says that plants can’t perform intelligent, cognitive behaviors, and the evidence shows that plants do perform intelligent, cognitive behaviors, maybe it’s time to rethink the theory.”

    – “Paco Calvo runs the Minimal Intelligence Lab at the University of Murcia in Spain where he studies plant behavior. He says that to be plant blind is to fail to see plants for what they really are: cognitive organisms endowed with memories, perceptions, and feelings, capable of learning from the past and anticipating the future, able to sense and experience the world.” Nautilus.

UFOs and Stories of Encounters with non-human intelligence

“Since I was a child, unidentified objects in our airspace have been a topic of interest.” – Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI).

Grothman introduced legislation on Jan. 11 that would allow pilots and other civilian aviation personnel to report unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs, without fear of negative career or other repercussions. Source.

After decades of stigma … a shift. Forward momentum. There’s Never Been a Better Time to Believe in Aliens than Right Now. Connecticut MUFON in the spotlight. WSJ.

The positive development for experiencers? More are stepping up to claim the narrative and tell their own story. The common theme of the stories is stated in the title of Steve Neill’s short film: “I don’t know exactly what is happening to me, but something is there.”

Re-Premier, January 21, 2024, this documentary is based on his life long experiences with non-human-intelligence.

Summary edited: Steve Neill says, “We made this film about 6 years ago. I was never really happy with it. So I have spent a month or more re-cutting the film and removing and adding things that make it flow better.

“Although the name is Mark Neill it is my story. My middle name is Mark. This was my reemergence back into the scene after leaving at my late wife’s request in 2000. She threatened to leave me if I didn’t get out of the community. I know many of you have run into this problem in relationships and having these encounters.

“I hope you enjoy and relate to this film because it’s honest and to the point. No one person has the goods on what this all means. Who they are. Where they come from or what their intentions are. ‘But Something is There.‘” Link.

After watching the film and becoming better acquainted with Steve – you’ll want to follow up with the new series, Breaking the Silence.

About the series: Breaking the Silence with Steve Neill is a monthly show about encounters with the unknown. It concerns encounters with UAPs, UFOs, and non-human intelligence. Unlike similar shows, this show will interview and reenact the testimonies of real people that have the strength to come forward and break the silence and their fear of being stigmatized. Subscribe.

Channel Introduction. Link. Steve provides his film industry background, his connection to Whitley Strieber, Yvonne Smith and Roger Leir, and spells out the motivation and the process behind the production. No debunkers. No shlock. No monsters.

Comment: “This is a great channel. It’s what I’ve been waiting for, a channel with no frills that allows people to honestly tell their stories and detail their experiences with no annoying over-the-top music. This is the perfect time for it too. I love the graphics and vibe of the whole thing. And stick in there guys. A channel like this may be slow to start off but once people start watching it in greater numbers then all your early videos that got low views will be there for folk to binge watch once they find your channel. Watched, liked and subscribed! Boom!”

First Encounter Story. Daphne.

Slow walk to normalizing Contact

In the early 1990s, Lobob-Motroe (Ans’ friend and ‘contact person’ from planet Laborax) appeared to her with a book in his hand, and he informed her that the book should be called ‘We Have Been Coming Through the Centuries…’

Ans wrote the book. Published in1995. Translation. Centuries is changed to Ages. Link.

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