“The world has always been overrun with otherworldly experiences, some of which certainly appear to resist glib accounting; yet so far it has proved exasperatingly tricky to establish that otherworldly experiences are also otherworldly events.” – Jerome Clark, Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings.

Want to read the book? Full text link.

Strange Encounter in the Bedroom

I’ll keep it short. A few days ago, out of the blue, I finally experienced something that had been known only to my dog Jack. His odd behavior had me curious.

All would be quiet, and then – for no apparent or visible reason – he would jump up like he had just been bitten by something. Usually he was lying on the bed but there was at least one time when I saw him have the same reaction while he was lying in the doorway between rooms.

He jumped up, startled, then circled in the space to further examine the spot where he had just been laying. After a thorough search, he would relocate, away from the site of the intrusion.

It made no sense. He doesn’t have fleas. There were no bugs visible, and there was nothing I could see that could be bothering him.

Then it happened to me. I was taking a nap and my hand was under a pillow. Jack wasn’t in the room. I felt something pinch my finger. I jumped and jerked my finger away. Hello? What the heck.

Now, how do I describe something so unfamiliar? So weird?

This is as close as I can get. At one time, when I was young, we lived near a creek with crawdads. The best and only way I can describe this odd pinch is to say that it felt like a gentle but firm pinch from something that had claws. It didn’t hurt but it was a surprise. It made me jump. And that pinch would have been strong enough to make Jack jump.

AI crawdad – pincers. Firm pinch, not as strong as the YouTube description.

While my nightlights are a paranormal constant, we do experience other interesting anomalies. For instance, I know we have fairies. They populated my dreams and visions when we first arrived in our house. A greeting. We acknowledge them.

In a previous space, one of our cats alerted us to the temporary presence of tiny beings because she liked to chase them, and we could see them too. In flight, they looked like tiny, winged, brown smudges. Brownies. Our dogs and the other cats didn’t seem to notice.

What or who this pincher being is/was, I have no idea. I do know Jack needed me to have an encounter to better appreciate the odd circumstances he is experiencing. Where it goes from here? I guess we’ll see.

Mind Bending – ‘Third Man Syndrome’

I’ve had this experience. Apparently there is a label/category/name for it.

“Whether you believe “Third Man Syndrome” is paranormal, psychological, or spiritual, there’s no denying that a lot of these people wouldn’t be here today unless someone — or something — had intervened.” Link.
#6. “I once was crossing the street while on my phone when I felt a hand pull me by the collar back onto the sidewalk. I watched as a car sped by in front of me that definitely would’ve hit me. I turned around to thank the person who saved me, and there was NO ONE THERE.” – sparklycrocodile213

I’ll add one of my experiences. Some have been life saving (helping me to avoid a most likely fatal car accident) but this event was surprising because it wasn’t about rescuing me from impending doom – as had happened several times when the voice I heard sounded audible, as if the person was standing beside me.

This interaction was accompanied by a very real sensation – it ‘felt’ like a person was standing next to me. So I thought it was Andy. I had been sleeping with my arm over my face when I ‘felt’ someone touch my arm, softly – kind of like a feather stroking my arm. I moved my arm and was then blinded by a bright light.

Annoyed. I told Andy to get the light out of my face. But it wasn’t him. It was the moon shining through the skylight! Even bigger surprise – there was no one standing beside me. The space then ‘felt’ empty. It was such a shock.

I asked the ‘space’ why I was touched. The response was telepathic, not audible. I heard the reply – as if it had been spoken – in my head.

“There is magic in the moonlight. Sleep through it and you’ll miss it”….

No explanation and no real idea of who it was that chose to pass along that moon moment. Stuff happens.

Additional stories from the previously listed site are posted here. Link.

More than curious

On the pile of books, beside the pile of books, next to the pile of books on the floor beside the nightstand. (Occasionally on the computer: Internet Archive.) Obviously a short list here, I am enjoying these:

  1. Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds (The Real Unexplained! Collection), Amazon

“Hidden Realms opens up magical worlds that all of us have been touched by since we were children, tapping into the open imaginations that we had then, when all things were possible. Once again, we can cross that line and take a journey that is humbling and awe-inspiring, but this time through the power of solid research. This book reminds us of how little we know, and how great the mysteries are that are all around us, just out of reach. It’s a great escape from the darkness that we are all confronting in today’s world.”Leslie Kean

2. The Afterlife and Beyond: An Examination of Life After Death by an Out-of-Body Explorer, by Cyrus Kirkpatrick, Amazon

Kirkpatrick has studied and explored the deepest curiosities related to the afterlife, including mediumship and channeling, after-death communications and the paranormal (as I have), and of course, astral projection / out-of-body experiences. He expertly navigates the pothole-filled road that borders science and the supernatural, and he does it well. – Reviewed by Robert Peterson. Link.

3. Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds, Freddy Silva, [Interview coming up.] Amazon.

Edited Summary: Enhance your personal mystical experiences as Freddy shares how to interact directly with portals. Understand how to properly approach a portal and the importance of your expectations, timing, respect, and sympathetic resonance.

“Freddy Silva does a brilliant job of taking us into the mysterious world of portals and breaking down how these powerful energy centers interact with our bodies and consciousness, enhancing our awareness and connection to Self and the infinite.”Regina Meredith, award-winning documentarian and host of Gaia TV’s Open Minds

Engaging a Portal

Linda Moulton Howe – rebroadcast. More info: Link.

The topic of portals came up in my conversation with Ed Komarek. We talked about some of the stories featured in Ardy Sixkiller Clarke’s books.

55 years researching UFOs and ETs. Ed Komarek’s books are available and free to read on Amazon and on his website: Komarek.weebly.com

Timing on this was interesting. It added up to Numerology number 7.

Number 7: This combination of conscious and subconscious thinking allows the mind of the Numerology number 7 to shine a light into the very deepest realms to access hidden truths. Source.


  • IFLScience online Mag: Curious. “Does Everyone Have an Imagination?” April 2024. Link.
  • Heart stopping view, courtesy of the ‘floating’ staircase – OMG. Not for the faint of heart – Absolutely not. “The 131-foot long stairway, called the “Stigull” ladder, dangles some 2,591 feet above a Norwegian fjord in the small village of Loen, in the north west of the country.” Dizzying height challenge. CNN Travel.
  • Meowdulator, a feline-themed guitar pedal that meows like a cat when strings are played or plucked. Harp Lady provides a demo. YouTube.
  • Purr therapy. Thank you, internet. Link.

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