Breadcrumbs, Needles, Haystacks – clues in plain view, portals

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Jung

Alice in Wonderland

Preparing for my interview with Freddy Silva. The topic is portals. We’ve gone to the lake – down time – for a short visit with my Mom. FYI – I’ve had lots of interesting, odd, and unusual things happen in that space. I won’t say it is haunted, but it isn’t exactly empty either.

I’ve been reading Freddy’s book, Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds, and planning to buy his crop circle cards. My experience with portals is limited. Andy has pointed them out to me occasionally on our tours of haunted spaces, and I have a long time favorite site I will revisit because of the energy boost I get, but this event has me stumped. I asked Freddy if it qualifies as a portal. He said it was something different happening in the space.

Let me describe it.

I am brushing my teeth, halfway paying attention as I return the tweezers to a cup where they have been perched for easy access. Then it happens. I think I set the tweezers on the lip of the cup but it was like something bumped them and they fall.

But they don’t fall the way one would expect.

Instead of the tweezers falling on the cabinet or bouncing off the cabinet as should have happened, the tweezers fall through the cabinet and hit the floor directly beneath the cabinet. No bounce, no ricochet, no delay – just an immediate and direct fall to the floor – as if the cabinet didn’t exist.


Freddy Silva’s first book was an instant best seller. 14 Documentaries and several books later, his newest book is Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds, Amazon Affiliate Link

Summary Edit: Enhance your personal mystical experiences as Freddy shares how to interact directly with portals. Understand how to properly approach a portal and the importance of your expectations, timing, respect, and sympathetic resonance. Utilize this knowledge to access these powerful energetic doorways between worlds.

We learn from Freddy, “In parts of Africa—Kenya in particular—portals are referred to as baraka. In Arizona, the Hopi call them spots of the fawn, and the origin of the phrase comes with a particularly vivid description of the creation of the world.

When the Creator chose to make the Earth, It sent a tribesman to the South Pole with a drum—as one does when walking in temperatures of minus eighty degrees. As the tribesman heard the heartbeat of the Earth, he beat a sympathetic rhythm on his drum, at which moment the Earth became abundant with all forms of life. However, some places became more potent than others, and those became the spots of the fawn.”

On our return home from the lake, we took the scenic route, all gravel, and a couple of detours due to flooded bridges. The scenery was beautiful. Puddles from the morning rain and large patches of wildflowers loaded with butterflies.

The first deer paused to let us stop beside her. She wasn’t too disturbed by our presence and stood still long enough for me to take her picture. A short distance down the road we came upon another deer, this time, a doe rushing to clear the road. Her small fawn was following close alongside her.

Too fast for me to get a picture, but the spots on the fawn were clearly visible.

Deer alongside the road permitted a photo op. 2024

Freddy Silva is a bestselling author, leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness, and the leading expert on crop circles. He is also a documentary filmmaker with 14 published titles.

He leads private tours to sacred sites worldwide. Add your name to his email list for the most current trip schedule. They sell out quickly.

You may not have to travel to find a portal. Freddy has one in his home.

I mentioned Radionics. Freddy addresses this topic with his Crop Circle Resonance Cards: These cards can be used in Homeopathy and other water coding procedures, Applied Kinesiology, in Radionics devices and other radiesthesia techniques. And possibly many more.

This is the link for The Paper Doctor I couldn’t think of during the interview. And this is one of the most interesting posts from a practitioner. I interviewed Duncan Laurie and he shared their posts with me. Incredibly informative. Cow Girl, an Extraordinary Radionics HealerLink.

Jung and the Paranormal

Quora: What experiences with the paranormal did famous psychologist Jung have? Did those experiences influence his work with psychology?

I selected a specific incident from the response presented by William Nathaniel Greer, B.A. in Psychology & Jungian Psychology, College of Santa Fe.

“One day in 1916, Jung felt that unseen entities were in his house. Later that day, a daughter said she saw an indistinct, white figure pass in front of her. That night another daughter (ignorant of her sister’s earlier sighting) had her bed covers pulled off her — and a son had a very bad dream about the devil. At about 5 PM on that same day, the doorbell started ringing and ringing as if someone was very impatient. Jung could actually see the bell inside the house moving as well as hearing the noise. Jung looked out a window near the front door and immediately, the ringing stopped but no one was at the door. Jung then felt something else was to happen. He felt the air in his house to be thick — as if filled with many people. Eventually ghostly images urged him to write. He did, producing over 3 nights his famous The Seven Sermons to the Dead.”

Continuing with a new source on that topic.

The Seven Sermons to the Dead,” Septem Sermones ad Mortuos, might best be described as the “summary revelation of the Red Book.

Jung kept the Red Book [Internet Archive] private during his lifetime, allowing only a few of his family and associates to read from it. The only part of this visionary material that Jung choose to release in limited circulation was the Septem Sermones, which he had privately printed in 1916.

In Memories, Dreams, Reflections Jung gives one account of how the Septem Sermones came to be written (the Sunday referred to below is probably Sunday, 30 January 1916):

It began with a restlessness, but I did not know what it meant or what “they” wanted of me. There was an ominous atmosphere all around me. I had the strange feeling that the air was filled with ghostly entities. Then it was as if my house began to be haunted…. Source.

Three Certified Jungian Analysts discuss Jung and the Paranormal. Link.
Jungian Genealogy by Iona Miller. Link.

So many loose ends – Atlantis Channeled

Reconciling channeled information can be/is time consuming. But it is necessary, and helpful when working with unfamiliar sources to determine the authenticity of the connection and accuracy in the ability to relay the material.

Answers might be forthcoming and/or easy to track down. Then again, it may take years before corroborating material surfaces.

One tricky bit I got years ago [February, 1998] was a reference to Atlantis. Some of the information was too vague but part of the message gave me specific elements I could track. I was given a date.

Atlantis was vulnerable energetically and geographically. It went into the Indian Ocean in 1500 BC.” [Current reference is BCE. Source.]

To be clear, this information challenged me because I wanted to process it logically. The topic was foreign and I was fuzzy on Indian – inadvertently setting a block on the transmission. Still learning how to step aside to engage a clear signal, I wanted to insert Aegean. However, I knew that was me ‘thinking’ what I might know about the information rather than simply transmitting the message.

Why is that important? We improve when we refine our methods and hone the ability to discern the connection. The goal is to be neutral, non-judgmental, to step back and allow the information to flow. No examining during the transmission. That comes later.

When the information is wrong, the connection can be reassessed. Am I receiving or projecting? Can I trust my source? The best way to improve is to continue the process and fine tune the method. Improve your insight.

Decades later, updated information on Atlantis popped up. February 24, 2008. How The Eruption of Thera Changed the World. – The legend of Atlantis and the story of the Biblical plagues and subsequent exodus from Egypt have also been connected to the epic catastrophe. Historians and archaeologists have had trouble deciding on the year Thera erupted, with dates ranging anywhere from 1645 BC to 1500 BC. Live Science.

In addition, a recent Facebook post by Freddy Silva offered this interesting note related to the Indian Ocean.

A few years ago the last wisdom keeper of Tongareva (a tiny island in Polynesia) confided in me the oral tradition of his people: by 3000 BC gods called Tuanake — Anunaki to Sumerians, Anu-naga to Indians— were sailing there after being displaced from the Persian Gulf region by encroaching seas and waring humans, the “black haired people.”

Then he dropped another bombshell: the original home of these gods was an island called Te Pitaka which sank from rising seas at the end of the ice age. When I asked him for a possible location he stated that it used to be in the region of the Indian Ocean where now lies the Arabian Peninsula, which rose when other landmasses fell during the global flood in 9700 BC. This rare knowledge was first published in my book The Missing Lands, with full tribal consent.” Available at your favorite bookseller or Link.

So it might be that there is a disconnect in the language I am limited to with my source for that 1998 channeled information. They also suggested: Atlantis was destroyed by the Lemurians, extraterrestrials from a nearby solar system known as the ancient ones, having been on the planet before.

And that’s where the possibility of corroboration takes a detour.

In this instance, I have to admit the information is confusing. Dates are impossible, given we may not be referencing the same calendar and our geography has been significantly altered due to multiple cataclysmic events rearranging land and ocean.

What purpose did that foggy channeling exercise serve? It made me determined to improve my PSI listening skill and curious enough to continue to monitor the Atlantis topic for updates.

By now, I am convinced much of our “ancient history” is too far removed, too fragmented and too filtered by the collective consensus of the era to be reflected with any sort of accuracy in a legend or a map. Atlantis as allegory. Atlantis Theosophy. Atlantis Edgar Casey Top 6 Theories about Atlantis: History.


  • Study finds fresh water and key conditions for life appeared on Earth a half-billion years earlier than thought. PhysOrg.
  • Scientists Find Structure Older Than Humanity. Predating the Stone Age by a significant margin, this archeological discovery suggests that ancient hominins knew a thing or two about construction, and may not have necessarily been totally nomadic like we originally thought. MSN.
  • There’s an app to validate UFO photos. The app uses machine learning, looking for markers of Photoshop or other forms of manipulation. Asks questions, such as if the witness saw a contrail or if they live near an airport. Uses AI to assign a score to the report. Vice.
  • Blast from the past: Dreamland with Art Bell from 12/10/1995 Linda Howe & Ingo Swann, Dr. Brian O’ Leary. YouTube.
  • Reported birth of rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone park fulfills Lakota prophecy. “The birth of this calf is both a blessing and warning. We must do more,” said Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and the Nakota Oyate in South Dakota, and the 19th keeper of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe and Bundle.” APNews.
  • “What’s intriguing is that when people die, they don’t evaluate themselves based on their own standards of morals,” says Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at the N.Y.U. Grossman School of Medicine. “They evaluate themselves based on a universal standard.” Source.

Somewhere out there

Book: Humanoid Encounters 1955-1959: The Others Among Us by Albert S Rosales, Albert S. Rosales is the world’s leading expert on humanoid encounter cases. Amazon Affiliate Link.

In 1959, at the Ganden Monastery in Tibet, a delegation of Soviet scientists and scholars met an old monk who had a deep knowledge of astronomy and space travel and was convinced he could make eye contact with people from another world.

Supposedly, the monk chose two Russian scientists, trained them for a special form of concentration, put them on a diet, after a few days, invited them to a secret room in the Monastery and showed them a completely unknown machine. No details of this mysterious device were described, but it emitted a strange, stuffy sound.

Suddenly a cloudy face appeared in the center of the room and slowly assumed the indistinct form of a humanoid standing, motionless and staring at men. So, a mobile replica of the solar system materialized, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and other planets, slowly spinning around the Sun. One anomaly was a tenth planet orbiting lazily beyond Pluto’s orbit. It is claimed that the scientists were amazed and couldn’t understand the materialization, but the monk explained nothing.

Reminds me of the The Outer Limits episode: Galaxy Being. Wiki.

“I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.” – Richard Feynman

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