John Foster UFOs – documentary preview, and Coma survivor research

John Foster UFOs – documentary preview, and Coma survivor research

When learning is required, take the circuitous route. Continue reading John Foster UFOs – documentary preview, and Coma survivor research

Evolving PSI: science, curiosity, wonder – connecting NHI dots – Breaking the silence

Evolving PSI: science, curiosity, wonder – connecting NHI dots – Breaking the silence

“There’s still hope. Don’t give up.” – Telepathic message Steve heard during a sighting while talking to Whitley Strieber. Continue reading Evolving PSI: science, curiosity, wonder – connecting NHI dots – Breaking the silence

The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

In 1977, Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command declared the presence of beings on Earth, prompting investigation into Non-Human Entities. Ingo Swann’s experiences and John Foster’s interactions with ET/Aliens offer further insights. Continue reading The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist

Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist

The content recounts the author’s unusual experiences with perceived interactions with ghosts and interdimensional beings. A key incidence described is an encounter with the spirit of a dentist during a restaurant dinner, resulting in peculiar physical sensations and telepathic communications. Continue reading Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist