Working with Spirit Guides

Working with Spirit Guides

No blocks. No words. No explanation. The wall disappears and a door opens. Transformation. Continue reading Working with Spirit Guides

Aligned with change in the higher realms – beyond physical – called to know more

Aligned with change in the higher realms – beyond physical – called to know more

“The most difficult mental process of all is to consider objectively any concept which, if accepted as fact, will toss into discard a lifetime of training and experience.” – Robert Monroe Continue reading Aligned with change in the higher realms – beyond physical – called to know more

Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist

Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist

The content recounts the author’s unusual experiences with perceived interactions with ghosts and interdimensional beings. A key incidence described is an encounter with the spirit of a dentist during a restaurant dinner, resulting in peculiar physical sensations and telepathic communications. Continue reading Afterlife Communication and beyond – The Dentist