“I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don’t even know it.” – Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

Interview – Winks from Above

Liliane Fortna, author of Winks from Above: Opening Up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day, shares her personal experiences of receiving signs and messages from her Spirit guides and Angels. It started when she was a child, before she had words to describe it and understanding to express it. It was simply part of her experience.

One of the stories she shares is about the dog who showed up to accompany her to and from school. He helped her dodge the bullies. Our interview is available now. Link.

A difficult childhood, dancing, art, recovery from illness, traveling the world. So many stories of guidance and synchronicities. And there is one recurring theme: interaction with an unknown male stranger who seems to always be at the right place at the right time. Guardian Angel?

She also offers practical exercises and meditations to help the reader reconnect with their intuition and higher self, and to understand the meaning of the signs and synchronicities that surround them.

Connect with Liliane on her website

Readers’ Favorite reviewers praised it as “transformative” and “uplifting”.

Endorsement: “Anyone interested in having a richer, more meaningful, fun, and yes — even a magical — life will want to read Liliane Fortna’s Winks from Above. It’s not often that we come across someone who has been a European model, professional dancer, Amazon explorer, wife, mother, grandmother, energy healer, consciousness explorer, artist, and now, an inspiring author as well, but Liliane embodies all these roles and more. If you want to lead a more extraordinary life, read Winks from Above!”

Nancy H. McMoneagle, Past President, Executive Director of The Monroe Institute

Insight from Liliane’s blog: “If we can open our eyes, our ears, our whole being to the loving guidance from our Spirit Guides, Synchronicity will appear to us frequently and we’ll realize that we’re never alone.

Another passage from that post includes a term I had not heard: “High Frequency Coincider” or HFC person. It refers to a person who experiences multiple synchronicities, often sequentially, on a daily basis.

Fifi the Frog

My favorite part of our interview – happens at appx. 50 min. Liliane shares the method she used to help her granddaughter clear her space of a stink bug. She helped her redirect her focus from her discomfort to simply asking the bug to go away. The bug responded and honored the request while they were doing that special exercise.

When Liliane said she wanted to write a book for children, I suggested she include the frog friend who lives in her yard. Then she told me she had a picture of Fifi, taken just a day or two before we spoke.

It is a very special picture. Fifi appears to be posing in reflection, sitting in front of the Buddha statue. Quoting Liliane: “The serenity and the beauty of the moment make my heart sing.”

Fifi and Buddha Image Credit: Liliane Fortna.

Fifi is one very cool frog. Liliane says the mini pond she created about four years ago is now full of tadpoles. Fifi showed up last year and Liliane was thrilled to see her return again this year. She can often be seen lounging on the lily pads.

More insight if Frog symbolism speaks to you (It certainly does to my Mom.)

From a shamanic perspective Frog is a walker between two worlds – water and earth. As a predominantly night creature Frog has strong ties to the moon. This creature’s songs bring in the rain, and work his special magic. It is a joyous celebration of earth’s nurturing, cleansing and renewal. Let Frog help you find your soul song. Source.


Winks’ – is the book I referenced in a previous post. Link. A synchronistic arrival timed to help me deal with the departure of my cat, Stormy.

Seeing the word ‘miracle’ in the title, I called out an urgent request for help to locate him in the hope of at least knowing what had happened and to be able to help him if that was possible.

The response was a short sentence: “In the far corner of the yard.” And that is where I found his body. My beautiful, wild companion – gone sometime earlier in the day.

As the guides indicated, he had returned to the yard and made his transition there. I didn’t know to look there any earlier, hoping he was still alive and would come walking up to the door, but it was a good spot for him to land.

Pets have such short time-lines, especially those who insist on being outdoor roamers.

Sound asleep – life on the edge. Note the tail = Stormy was Bob’s rock.

His brother Bob misses him (as do I) and will sometimes take a short nap in the spot where I brought him in and laid him down – to say a final goodbye.

Yesterday, Jack was speaking to an invisible someone in the chair beside the bed. I don’t know for sure what that is about. Previously, I said to him – while he was in the middle of a conversation (or listening to a lecture) – “I wish I could see what you see” … He turned his head and looked me directly in the eye and held the gaze. Then he continued with the interaction. If it were meant for me to see, I would.

I interrupted a conversation between two previous pets shortly before one made her departure. They turned to look at me and quickly separated, walking in opposite directions. It was a ‘private’ talk.

Animals are spiritually connected. Each has his own purpose. It has been my experience that some know their departure date and can share that information when possible. And, then again, some of their personal wisdom is not intended for us to know – just to allow, as they graduate, we will continue to grow and have room – in the space they opened – to love even more.

There is a purpose when spirit experiences physical incarnation. We are intended to learn how to love and to evolve that love to release judgement – to become limitless – embracing and engaging the ONE in all – knowing everything is perfect beyond form.

Reincarnation is designed to work out the kinks in that program. Wink.

“And when you get down to it, Lily, that is the only purpose grand enough for a human life. Not just to love but to persist in love.” – Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

Bees are one of my power animals.

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