Breadcrumbs, Needles, Haystacks – clues in plain view, portals

Breadcrumbs, Needles, Haystacks – clues in plain view, portals

“I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.” – Richard Feynman Continue reading Breadcrumbs, Needles, Haystacks – clues in plain view, portals

The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

In 1977, Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command declared the presence of beings on Earth, prompting investigation into Non-Human Entities. Ingo Swann’s experiences and John Foster’s interactions with ET/Aliens offer further insights. Continue reading The precog dream, Non-Human Intelligence, Ever-presence yet to be acknowledged

Waiting for the New Normal to stick the landing … Other news = AI, Missile Silo 4 sale, Altered states and Natalie Sudman’s NDE

Waiting for the New Normal to stick the landing … Other news = AI, Missile Silo 4 sale, Altered states and Natalie Sudman’s NDE

Beings Natalie encountered seemed like old friends. Interaction included determining what parts of her body to heal and what issues to leave for her to work through as part of her recovery Continue reading Waiting for the New Normal to stick the landing … Other news = AI, Missile Silo 4 sale, Altered states and Natalie Sudman’s NDE